Agriculture science was introduced at DAV due to high demand from students interested in taking the subject. The department comprises of two qualified teachers and students ranging from Year 9 to 13. The curriculum has been taught in Year 902, 903, 904, 10-02, 10-03, 10-04, 11-02/03, 11-05, 12-01, 12-05 and 13-01.

The curriculum currently offered at junior levels provides opportunities for students to fully display their skills and talents not only on theoretical plane but also in practical and other areas. Students have displayed outstanding skills in growing cash crops like Cabbage, French beans, Tomatoes, Coriander and many more as part of their enterprise management. Students are also encouraged to practice the skills they learned at home to get fresh supplies and help the family in saving money. Assessment Task is also incorporated in higher levels with students getting to know more on running agricultural enterprises and sustainable ways of farming such as organic container gardening. Opportunities are now available for agricultural science students to complete their diplomas and degrees locally since there are specialized and relevant courses available in this discipline.